Vanessa Chua, Brand Coordinator at 72andSunny & Self-Employed Content Creator


Oscar and I met at a music event as poly students, and we’ve kept in touch since! I’ve had such a good overall experience thus far! My highlight has been the personalised experience Oscar provides for his clients. It never feels like I’m just meeting a consultant but a professional friend who goes the extra mile for me and my family.

I think his creativity as a photographer spills over to his profession and provides new insights and innovative wealth management strategies. I also love that he has been able to empathise with my line of work specifically! His strength definitely lies in providing a relational experience, and confidence in strategic planning.

Oscar is such a genuine and gentle spirit. He also knows that he’s not just dealing with work, but with life and his empathy, encouragement and management solutions are a testimony to that.

I’m pretty particular when it comes to choosing a wealth management consultant. But I’ve had a meaningful experience with Oscar thus far. Financial planning doesn’t have to look a certain way, it can be tailor made for you and your circumstances. Oscar breaks that stereotype for me.


Jane Bizzoni, Graphic Designer at Discovery Inc.


Kong Qi Wei, Designer at DBS Bank