Sustainability of happiness.

What makes you happy? Let’s make that sustainable.

Sustainability to me isn’t just about using less plastic bags. I mean, yes, that would be awesome. But I’d like to invite you to look at sustainability on a personal level too: Is my happiness sustainable? Is my lifestyle sustainable?

To me, the goal of financial planning is not just about getting rich. But about having a lifestyle you can sustain now and into the future. And it starts by intentionally spending your money in areas of your life you want to sustain. More travel? More concerts? More Uniqlo t-shirts? Let’s make it happen.


Making a difference, 1% at a time.

Hence, one of the bigger things I’ve intentionally committed to is joining the 1% for the Planet movement. That means together with other businesses and individuals around the world, I’m contributing 1% of my annual revenue towards supporting environmental solutions.

This is something that’s quite meaningful to me. The cyclist in me is excited knowing that I am part of something that helps me show gratitude to the freedom I enjoy outdoors. And the photographer in me also agrees. Because nature is a backdrop to which I always hope to live and work around, not against. This makes me happy.

You can’t change the world*, but you can change your world.

At the end of the day, what I’ve learnt is that sustainable finance is not so much about dollars and cents, but rather what makes sense (lol geddit) for you and your lifestyle. Not so much about saving the world, but about taking little steps towards your little world of happiness – whatever that may look like. Reflecting on what makes you happy, and learning how to sustain it in the years to come. Think of it like clearing your wardrobe – and keeping only the things that spark joy (thanks marie kondo).

The lesser your desires, the bigger your happiness. - Oscar Tan


*But if you really wanna change the world, pls do it!!!